Here comes the bride - Wedding Invitations

As many of you will know, in just over a year's time I will be getting married and right now, the pressure is on to get all the preparations started. Before I got engaged, I envisioned myself as a Bridezilla knowing exactly how I wanted things and frequently throwing temper tantrums. In fact, I'm now completely the opposite. I'm calm, collected and I have a kind of 'don't really care aslong as I get married' attitude. The struggles me and James have faced during our times together and the loss of some really prevalent people in our lives has made us realise that we could get married in shack and still be insanely happy. We're looking for a low key, intimate affair with friends and family being our focus. 

Sometimes having a laid back attitude is the best way, but then again, there is a time when it becomes borderline lazy. I admit, I've very much become that person. I keep looking at the list getting all excited and then when I realise how much work I have to do, I freeze and try to distract myself.  I really underestimated how much there is to arrange when you get married. I mean - I don't know the difference between chrysanthemums and gypsophilas and don't even get me started on the various descriptions of wedding dresses which all inevitably conclude they are the same colour, white. 

Despite all this ranting, I'm very much excited about the wedding and marrying my handome prince. Aslong as we make it down the asile in one piece, I'll be a happy bunny. To make sure there is a wedding to attend, it's vital that I start looking into wedding invitations. I'm intending for all my wedding invitations to be sent out before the middle of September and I haven't really started the search. Recently I came across a few designs on Vistaprint. Vistaprint was never my choice of wedding invitation makers, until I came across this design.

I love the little flowers and the simplicity of this invitation. When dreaming of my perfect invites, I was looking for something along these lines. I'm not a frilly type of person and I don't want to invest a huge amount into invitations when the majority of them will be thrown away. I love the price range of these invitations (10 for £12.74) and I think they look rather classy. With all these thoughts pottering round my mind, I ordered a few samples and when they arrived, I was really impressed.

The card seems really sturdy, which is great as you know the wont get damaged in the post and the gloss makes them look more appealing. The text is simple yet pretty and the border looks vintage which fits in with my wedding theme.

The design is replicated on the inside of the invite, along with the same text for the information. On this sample, you can see I have made a few mistakes, but for a tester it looks really good. I've shaded my wedding date and information for privacy reasons. As much as I love you all and would love to invite you all to my wedding, I simply do not have the catering budget!

What do you think of these designs?



  1. ooh i love those invites! :)

  2. Wedding Invitations

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