Strike a Pose!

A couple of months ago I was trawling through Facebook during one of my nightly 'catch up' sessions and I saw a competition to win a deluxe modelling photo-shoot from the awarding winning Dave Spinx photography near Leeds. I thought I'd enter, because I wanted a few promotional shots for my blog and really wanted to see if I possessed the skills to be a model. I've admitted several times before that I have quite a lot of anxiety surrounding my body image and lately I've been trying to do the best to increase my confidence. Pole dancing lessons have been a fabulous start to my body confidence challenge, but I knew being in front of the camera and having the lights shining on me would be the ultimate test. 

When I arrived at the studio I was a really shy, but a few shots in I began laughing and really enjoying myself. I learnt that photo shoots can be harder work than they originally look and you feel like you've had a gymnastic workout with some of the poses they get you doing. Despite all this, I had a fabulous time and i'm really impressed with the photos. Sometime soon I'm going to be investing in a brand new blog layout and I plan to use quite a few of these images with it. 

These photographs have made me realise that I should embrace the body and style I have and accept the fact that I can be photogenic at times. If someone asked me to go do another photo shoot now, I'd definitely say yes. I might not be Elle Mcphearson or Kate Moss, but hey I'm not that bad either.

What do you think of these photos?



  1. WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You look absolutely beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Such amazing photo's xxxx

    Gemma | Miss Makeup Magpie

  2. these pictures are beautiful. Well done on having the confidence to do this! Although I don't mind people taking pictures of me I'm quite weirded by the idea of someone I don't know doing it! Looks so worth it though xo

  3. Lovely pictures! The lip colour is very pretty too!


  4. I loved these pics !
    I'll be happy if you check out my blog too=)

  5. Brilliant photos, you look extremely pretty!! :)) I'd never have been able to guess that you were shy about getting these photos taken, you're a complete natural

  6. They are brilliant photos, you're beautiful! x

  7. You look so lovely! It must have been a great day, plus now u have loads of amazing pics for your blog!
    Hannah :) x

    Love, Life, and Makeup Blog/Twitter/Pinterest

  8. You look great, i especially love how your hair looks in these photos :)

  9. They look very nice :)

    x leah Symonne x

  10. Wow, you look stunning - you are absolutely definitely photogenic despite your worries...beautiful!!

    Holly Mixtures

  11. Gorgeous photos!
    Your blog is great too, going back to check out past posts now!
    Would you like to follow each other on GFC or bloglovin'??


    Blog: Stolen Inspiration
    Instagram: KendraAlexandra
    Facebook: StolenInspiration

  12. Cool blog!
    Would u like to follow each other?


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