Tuesday Triumphs: A New Beginning

It's only been a few days, but it feels like I haven't blogged for months. It's weird that after two years blogging really has become a mental habit - if I leave it for a few short days, I feel like a smoker with nicotine withdrawals, constantly checking the time and counting down the hours until I unleash my creative energy bubbling inside of me. That statement may have been a little bit over dramatic, but I really do miss writing when I don't have the chance. This time my blog break was due to another trip to the hospital. It was a rather short stay, but nevertheless dramatic. Having suffered from asthma from birth, it has been apart of me whether I've wanted it to or not. Unfortunately I had an asthma attack for the first time in years and now I'm on a series of tablets that make me want to spew my guts up. Despite this little set back, my life seems to be on a complete roll right now. Everything looks positive and I'm happier than ever. I decided to dedicate this little post to the recent triumphs in my life and the changes just around the corner that will be fabulous not just for me, but all you lovely readers too.

New Job

So the first set of news I have to tell you is that I have a new job! Finally after six years at my old work, I have left for pastures new and i'll be working behind one of my favourite bars in town. This news came shortly after coming out of hospital and I literally wanted to dance around my living room - if only I had the energy. I've always wanted to work behind a bar. I'm a really social person and meeting new people gives me a buzz of excitement. I'm still adjusting to pulling pints of bitter, but I know this is the right direction for me during my last year of university. More hours, lots of fun staff and much more money too.
Self Employment

The next big thing to have recently happened in my life is the fact that I have now registered as a self employed blogger. My blog was never made in hope that it would be a money machine, it was a small time hobby that would allow me to get some confidence in my writing whilst at university and allow myself the chance to discover new and exciting products on the market. Before my blog, my life was lacking the opportunity to really express myself. I have lots of amazing friends, but none of them share my interest in shopping until I drop and none of them really understand why I turn into jelly every time I see my dream Mulberry handbag. I'm really the girly girl in the group and that's great, because we all have different interests to share, but with my blog followers, I am able to share everything about makeup and fashion that excites me. Registering as self employed doesn't mean I'm making mega bucks, but legally you are supposed to declare the money you make to the tax office even if it's only £10 and I feel better knowing that no-one is planning to leap on my back and ask for money anytime soon. Making money from my blog is something a little bit extra, but it's by no means the most important part of my blogging life. I have a wedding to save for, a house to look at buying and i'm finishing university this year so every little penny helps. If I can share great posts with you and make a little bit on the side it's a bonus for all of us.

New Blog Layout

Now I've told you that I have made a little bit of money off my blog lately, I'd like to tell you all that I have purchased a brand new custom layout that is currently being made by the wonderful Bonjour Belle. Although I love my current layout, I know that some of the images look a little bit obscure at times and that it the overall look of my blog lacks a little bit of my own personality. I wanted a layout that is easy to navigate for my all my readers and something that looks fun and inviting. I'm really excited about seeing the finished result and when all is revealed, I'm planning on doing a giveaway to celebrate the new launch. Excited?

Have you had any good news lately?



  1. What bar is it your working n, been a long time since I went out in Huddersfield.

  2. I'm working at Zetland across from the University. They have just reopened and have lots of exciting plans for the bar :) x

  3. Happy for you, dear! Good luck with everything. Love your layout x


  4. It sounds like you have a lot of exciting changes in store! Congratulations on all of your success :)

  5. Ahhhh I'm gonna come and say hi in Zetland haha!! Congrats on the new job lovely :D

    Holly Mixtures

  6. Ahhhh I'm gonna come and say hi in Zetland haha!! Congrats on the new job lovely :D

    Holly Mixtures

  7. New layouts are so exciting! And I know what you mean about the blogging, I also get antsy if I leave it longer than 2 days.


  8. Congrats on your new job! :) Hope your asthma is better soon, it's awful when it flares up :(

    Jess xo


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