New Year Resolutions

2013 has been a rollercoaster ride and with the year finally coming to a close, it's time for me to reflect on the past and think towards the future. This year has been an equally good and bad year, with lots of highlights but just as much sadness. In April I said goodbye to the family member I was closest to and it hit me really hard. Honestly, I didn't really think this year would turn out as good as it has done and despite the death of my auntie, I managed to remain rather positive.

This year has seen my blog go from having a small, but dedicated following to reaching over 1000 subscribers and earning me money at the end of the month. I've work with brands that I never even thought would contact me and I've attended some amazing events. If someone said to me last year I'd be where I am now, I'd laugh. My life has completely changed and I'm much more focused.

Besides my blog, my other successes have been finishing my second year of university with a 2.1 which gives myself a head start towards my goal of a 2.1/first for the final year and I've also made many friends and got a new part-time job. I have now learnt to just to push myself and no longer live in my comfort zone. Life is a challenge and you need to complete it.

So what would I like for 2014? There are many things I would like, but I'd be completely happy as long as I have a job, good friends and that my wedding goes to plan. I would really like to dedicate more time to my blog and help it develop further, spend more time dancing in hope I can learn some new moves and I'd like to burn off my Christmas calories. 

What are your New Year Resolutions?



  1. Your aims for 2014 sound fab. Is it your own wedding? If so congratulations and good luck for it!
    One of my resolutions is to complete uni work on time rather than leaving it all till the last minute!


  2. I was saying to Nathan earlier that I would like another year like 2013. Obviously we're not planning on adding a third child to the brood but in general nothing majorly bad has happened and for that I am very thankful.

    Louise x

    Confessions of a Secret Shopper

  3. Your blogs and its stuff are so notable and worthwhile it can make me return.Happy year ahead!

  4. I also do resolutions every year. Unfortunately, I don`t achieve all the goals. Well, we should be more persistent in this kind of things.
    Kate from HandmadeWritings

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