Sunday Style with BritFash

The photograph above shows me wearing a hat for what is possibly the first year in a few years. Admittedly hats have never really been my thing, but with the weather being so cold and my hair flying away at the smallest gust of wind I felt now more than ever the need for one. I've taken quite a liking to this little bobble hat sent to me by BritFash, a company that specialises in British Knitwear and sells a unique selection of affordable clothing from British fashion brands and designers.

Britfash* also contributed to my ever growing snood collection. I only really discovered the joy of wearing these scarves a  few week ago and I'm obsessed. I mean, how can you beat them for comfiness? You can wrap them round you, they don't fall off and they can also double up to protect your hair and makeup when greeted with face full of rain. There's lots of different snoods to browse through at BritFash and so far I'm loving mine. I'm tempted next time to opt for the Eyelash Knit Snood in Oatmeal so I have a light coloured snood and a dark one for mix and matching with outfits. I've noticed I can be quite late with trends sometimes, after all I only discovered how amazing onesies were a few months ago. I know, a year too late for a fashion blogger, but at least now I can see what all the fuss is about. This applies for snoods too, only I've discovered the trend a little bit on the late side, I can't see myself forgetting about them any time soon. In fact, I can see them being a staple item in my wardrobe for quite some time.

Do you have any snoods?



  1. you look lovely - great way to layer up with a snood

  2. love the second outfit! especially the shoes! :) and you are so pretty! im jealous! And i love your blog! and can't wait to read more! I also followed you on GFC!

    Also I'm new to blogging and i'm trying to meet some fellow bloggers so I'd love if you had some time if you could check out my blog and let me know what you think! it'd be greatly appreciated! And maybe even follow me on bloglovin or gfc if you like and want to!

    thanks so much xoxo Randa


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