Taste Cocktails Subscription Box

When it comes to drinking I'm definitely more of a cocktail girl than any other type of alcohol. I love the refreshing combination of ingredients in cocktails and the variety of cocktails currently out there. On our wedding day a good friend of my husband and I bought us a cocktail kit as a wedding gift, but I always lacked inspiration and until recently hadn't had the chance to use it. When I discovered the Taste Cocktails Subscription Box I knew I had to try it and that this would be a perfect excuse to put my cocktail making skills to good use.

Taste* is a monthly subscription box tailored towards cocktail lovers and wannabe mixologists. Each box contains premium ingredients and recipes to make up to six cocktails with information about the source and history of the drinks. You can choose from several one-off packages or a monthly subscription that allows to you to discover new cocktails every month. The prices for this subscription package start at £25 for the ingredients or £46 if you are in need of an equipment kit to make your cocktails. The boxes can be cancelled anytime and even better, they come with free postage. These are great if you have any summer parties planned or if you are looking to spice up a night in with your partner or friends.

The box I received was the Mezcal and Chartreuse box with Del Maguey Mezcal. Del Maguey Vidal Mezcal is type of Tequila produced in the Oaxaca region of Mexico, where each bottle is produced in and named after a particular village in that area. The Vida is a fruity aromatic spirit with a hint of honey, vanilla and roast agave. Using these spirits are said to offer the drinker a ginger, cinnamon, burnt sandalwood, banana and tangerine flavour that are soft and delicate on the palette. The history of the Chartreuse is also quite fascinating. According to Taste: "Only two Chartreuse Monks know the identity of the 130 plants used in distilling this particular liqueur, how to blend them and which plants they have to macerate to produce the natural green and yellow colours." All of these spirits were alcohol that I had previously been unfamiliar with and I found the little histories really insightful. After reading the little booklet and the instructions, I couldn't wait to have a go at making the cocktails.

This particular cocktail kit came with six ingredients and recipes to make two cocktails 'All Betts Are Off' and 'The Last of the Oaxacans'. The first recipe was made by a man named Matt Lanning of The Bitter Bar in Boulder, Colorado to introduce his customers to Mezcal whilst the other is a Mexican version of a classic gin recipe called 'The Last Word' made with green chartreuse. The recipes were easy to follow and in layman's terms so that any amatuer mixologist can have a go.

Above is my attempt of the 'All Betts Are Off', a cocktail that both my husband and I thoroughly enjoyed and enjoyed the most out of the two cocktail recipes mentioned. This would have looked a lot nicer in a different glass, but nevertheless it tasted great. I found this cocktail to be sweet, yet bitter and quite refreshing. Although it has a substantial amount of tequila, the grapefruit extract helps deter from the bitter sourness of tequila and for me, makes it more palatable. I really enjoyed this subscription box and will be keeping an eye on the website to see if there's anymore that I fancy trying...I'm currently eyeing up the Daiquiri box!

If you fancy having a go at making your own cocktails, why not enter my competition to win a Taste cocktail subscription box for yourself? The competition is open to anyone in the UK over the age of 18 and the winner will receive one Taste Cocktail subscription box. Please fill out all mandatory requirements to enter.

Have you tried Taste Cocktails?


  1. This subscription is definitely my kind of box. I love Strawberry Daiquiris, classic cocktail x

  2. Your cocktail looks lush, knowing me it'd end up tasting rubbish! I am a fan of all cocktails bright coloured especially pink and blue!

    Liv || www.dungarees-and-donuts.co.uk xx

  3. Great giveaway! My favourite cocktail is a negroni x

  4. This is my sort of box and giveaway, I love cocktails. My favourite has to be a pornstar martini!

    Sophie x

  5. Great giveaway.My favourite cocktail is definitely purple rain

  6. I like a good old classic mojito - or anything with rum in really! :)

  7. This is such a cool subscription box! I'm not really into drinking alcohol unless it's in cocktail form and I love trying to make my own! :) Your version of All Betts are Off looks lovely!

    Becki, xx

  8. I didn't even realise you could sub to something like this! Will definitely have a dabble after seeing how easy it was

  9. Potted Parrot from Trader Vics

  10. Blue Lagoon
    Claire D

  11. A Hurricane is definitely my favourite

  12. I enjoy a strawberryDaiquiri

  13. I had the best cocktail at a bar in Manchester it was sort of sour cherry flavour - I think it was called Cherrylicious and it was!!!!

  14. A Pina Colada,it just seems like the perfect summer drink,perhaps it's because I mainly drink it when we are on holiday x

  15. Singapore Sling, had one at the Raffles Hotel in Singpore.

  16. Gin Slings and Mojitos, and Whisky Sours, and Margaritas... You did ask ;-)

  17. Paula Readings14 July 2015 at 12:40

    Tequila Sunrise

  18. My favourite is a zombie :)

  19. A Strawberry Daiquiri when its hot outside

  20. A cosmopolitan is my favorite

  21. I LOVE a classic Old Fashioned (emmahumberstone@hotmail.com)

  22. French Martinis......Oh my days....delicious <3

  23. I love a frozen strawberry daiquiri

  24. After having it in TGI Friday- A bubblegum daquiri!

  25. I think I deffinetly need to subscribe to this, berry mojitos are my favourite 🙈🍹

  26. Pina colada usually but I spy green chartreuse must see what can be done with that!

  27. I like to try others, but none really compare to pina colada xx

  28. I like Mojitos at the moment, nice and fresh in this hot weather.

  29. Sex on the beach oh and the drink is lovely too ;-) x.

  30. zoe somerfield16 July 2015 at 10:44

    Sea breeze

  31. angela edmonds16 July 2015 at 11:11

    Pina Colada

  32. Strawberry Screaming Orgasm lol xx

  33. Pam Francis Gregory16 July 2015 at 11:46

    I love a Mojito!

  34. It has to be the 80s classic Pina colada :-)

  35. lychee martini.....yum yum

  36. Sex on the beach <3

  37. Mojito

    Trevor Linvell

  38. Brandy Alexander

    caroline watson

  39. Piña colada 🍹🍹🍹🍹

  40. Would have to say strawberry daiquiri but cant beat a classic margarita either

  41. Love trying new cocktails but still love a tequila sunrise the most!

  42. Pina Colada or Strawberry Daiquiri. Hard to pick!

  43. I like a mojito best, really refreshing

  44. Strawberry daquirs. Love them.

  45. It's got to be a Long Island Iced Tea for me :)

  46. Denielle Nicol17 July 2015 at 13:21

    Sex on the beach

  47. Sex on the beach is my favourite, especially a homemade one :) mm

  48. Long Island Ice Tea - sugajadecomps@yahoo.co.uk


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