Do Hotel Toiletries Influence Your Stay?

Everyone has a checklist of what they look for in a hotel, whether it's location, amenities such as a pool, bar or restaurant,a king size bed or even fluffy robes hanging in the wardrobe. For some people, one item on their hotel checklist is what toiletries the hotel provides. Believe it or not, there's some people that will travel far and wide for those little hotel luxuries and with hotels these days stocking even more luxurious products, paying a premium for a room with Elemis miniatures included doesn't seem so bad. 

There's something incredibly satisfying about walking into a hotel bathroom and seeing a line of luxury toiletries lined up on the porcelain sink. It's that small reminder that paying premium does sometimes pay off and that even though we shouldn't take them, those toiletries are a little gift to ourselves once we depart the serenity of the plush hotel suite and go back to our dull, far from luxurious lives.

Having stayed at many hotels over the years I admit I love seeking out the best hotel toiletries - I even go as far as Googling the products they stock before I visit and there's nothing more that I love while on holiday than coming back to my hotel room after a day of walking around the city than relaxing in a deep bath and pampering myself with products I probably spend less on at home. Do they define the hotels I pick? Not really, but it's a nice little bonus if they do stock nice toiletries. 

Why do people care so much about toiletries?

You have several different types of people - the Instagrammers who want to show off to their friends, those that love a 'freebie' or want to stock up on travel size products and those generally who enjoy that added bit of luxury in their hotel rooms and like to try new brands. I think I'm an amalgamation of all three.

Is it right to take hotel toiletries home?

The jury is undecided on this one. Many people believe they are a perk of staying in a nice hotel, whilst others think it's just too greedy. As much as I love these little toiletries I'm very much on the fence -  having worked in a hotel before I have seen people request extra toiletries just so they can take them home and I know how much of a drain on resources it can be, however those toiletries are there for your use and to make your stay comfortable. If you do end up using them, they cannot be reused.

Which hotels have the best toiletries?

The general rule is the more premium the hotel the better toiletries they have, but it isn't always the case. I have used some lovely toiletries at little B&B's who use locally sourced products, which has made the stay even more special. Also if a hotel has a spa, you're more likely to expect the premium products such as Molton Brown, Elemis etc as they will want to showcase the products that they use in the spa.

Would you pick a hotel purely on the toiletries they have?



  1. I doubt it, it's nice to have some nice toiletries but I bring home comforts and needs so it wouldn't be all that bad either way x

  2. I don't think I would pick a hotel just on the toiletries but I am definitely impressed when I see some good ones ;) x

  3. They actually don't influence my stay at all lol. I usually bring my own toiletries. I do however end up bringing back some of the soap and stuff if it smells nice :) But it's rare because I'm so picky.

    xo Azu

  4. I wouldn't let it influence my choice of hotel but I do squeal with delight if I come across Elemis or Aromatherapy Associates in the bathroom.

  5. I'm terrible, I rarely ever use the toiletries that are on offer in hotels :-( even the expensive ones x

  6. I don't think I would pick a hotel on the toiletries but it's definitely an added bonus. I would be over the moon if I found Molton Brown in a hotel room though x

  7. toiletries isn't a thing i would think about as i always bring my own

  8. I really love luxury toiletries in hotels, but I tend to take my own anyway.

  9. Oh I really feel disappointed if the hotel I am staying in has rubbish toiletries, I feel like it is one of the perks x

  10. I wouldn't choose a hotel based on toiletries, but the last hotel I stayed in had White Company products and that was nice.

  11. I've never chosen a hotel based on their toiletries BUT I am happier with a hotel if they have great ones as opposed to hotels who have generic soap in a bottle attached to the wall! The Marcliffe in Aberdeen had Molton Brown and I think I was more excited by that than by the wood burning fire in our suite!

  12. It does but not completely. I love, of course, if the hotel will provide the scents of shampoo, etc. that goes with my preference.

  13. No I wouldn't but when I heard a hotel we were staying in had Cowshed products I was impressed.

  14. They dont influence my stay. I usually just take my own.

  15. They wouldn't influence my stay but they are an added bonus.

  16. I don't tend to care about the toiletries in hotels as I only really use them if I have forgotten to bring my own!

  17. I LOVE luxury toiletries in a hotel - it feels like such a treat. Esp Elemis, Decleor and Molton Brown. If there are little bottles and I use them I definitely take them home - they can't be reused so I might as well. I definitely wouldn't request more though - that's just greedy x

  18. I wouldn't pick a hotel based on their toiletries but I do love Molton Brown, their products are fab xx

  19. I have honestly never taken toiletries into account when I book a hotel. Of course I love the high quality ones as much as anyone else, however prefer specific facilities/location when it comes to choosing where to stay.

  20. I don't tend to bother about what brand of toiletries a hotel has as long as they have shampoo and shower gel just in case I run out of my own! If they have conditioner too, even better!

  21. I love it when hotels have great toiletries but never think about it when I book x

  22. I never let it influence my stay as I always bring my own but I do enjoy finding fancy products in hotels, makes me feel that little bit special xx

  23. They dont influence me but I will be honest it feels awesome walking into the bathroom to fab products!

  24. I actually don't think about hotel toiletries - I always bring my own, but it doesn't stop me from taking what is offered!

    xoxo, Candice

  25. I love staying at hotels with luxury products, especially Molton Brown. Although they dont influence my choice of hotel and I dont tend to use them as I bring my own depending on what Im going to be doing as its all planned out before I go. I would take them home with me and use them for future trips. I dont see anything wrong with that at all. I'm I'm paying £100+ for that hotel room, the toiletries are built into the cost and the hotel is already making a huge profit. I wouldn't ask for extras though xxx

  26. It wouldn't influence my stay, but it is always a nice added bonus when the toiletries are nice.

  27. Have been travelling around in Spain lately and stayed in a variety of hotels ranging from upmarket B&B's to some really nice larger chains. I dont know if it was a coincidence or not, but all seemed to come from the same company Amenity360 they must be big down there, however the products was really nice I wish I could find it over here too since most places I have stayed in here have been just the standard "own label" goods, while in Spain they seemed to have a lot of brands. I Google'd them and found the site, but wasnt able to figure out if their products was available here to, was actually thinking of getting a retail sized set of their Senses hotel toiletries set. If anyone can help with this would be great!


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