Changing my wardrobe mid-twenties

The mid-twenties are an awkward age for women when it comes to fashion and things get even more confusing when you fall the wrong side of 25 . Some clothes seem far too young and others seem far too old. Getting the balance right can be the difference between 'mutton dressed as lamb' and looking far too old for your age. Over the last few months in preparation for my 26th birthday I have rid my wardrobe of all the clothes that that look too much like a 20 year old would wear and I have replaced them more sophisticated, capsule pieces that will see me through to my thirties. My hemlines have got a lot longer, my wardrobe is much more suited to my personal style and most importantly I've picked timeless pieces that will look great whatever age. Want to know how I've done it? Here's a few of my tips.

Less is more

When it comes to creating the ultimate capsule wardrobe - less is more. Buy pieces that will blend seamlessly together and always think 'when would I wear that?' If you cannot think of one particular occasion that you can wear that piece of clothing to or anything that you can style it with, you probably don't need it in your wardrobe.

Invest in quality

To create a wardrobe that stands the test of time, invest in quality pieces. Quality doesn't have to be expensive - there's many ways you can get designer on a budget from shopping vintage in charity shops to looking online at places like the Vestiaire Collective or eBay.  Buying quality clothes may seem expensive to begin with, but you're likely to get much more wear out of your wardrobe and they shouldn't need replacing as quickly.

Choose versatile accessorises
Accessorises can really help enhance an outfit whether it is a waist belt to show off your curves, a designer bag to add a little bling or a sparkly necklace to draw attention to your neckline. Choose accessorises that can adapted to suit every outfit and again like clothing, less is more - have a few items of capsule jewellery pieces that you will wear and wear again rather than having a jewellery box full of accessorises you will never wear.

Don't be afraid to experiment

Finally, don't be afraid to experiment with your wardrobe. During your mid-twenties you still have plenty of time to develop your own personal style and make a few fashion blunders along the way. I recently bought a frilly 1970s vintage dress that I thought I would never pull off and I get compliments every time I wear it, in fact it is now one of my favourite dresses.

Have you had a wardrobe clear out recently?



  1. Setting & changing wardrobe is time consuming process, It`s hard to doing it on daily basis but it`s important. I love to do these type of work of home but being a professional assignment writer it`s difficult to do this on daily basis. But I really need to change my wardrobe.

  2. Embarking on a wardrobe transformation in your mid-twenties is a journey of self-discovery and personal growth, much like the transformative journey to healthier, glowing skin with Fute skincare products. Embracing change and investing in self-care are essential steps toward a more confident and radiant version of yourself

  3. Same! Refining my style for this new decade.


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